40 photos   4128 visits

Hello guys and girls

Hello guys and girls ! My name is Dolly Diamond and I'm new here ! ♥
I was born in Aylesbury , United Kingdom and I'm 19 years old ! <3
I'm a scene girl ! ☻ I love my friends , lollipops , Michael Jackson , my boyfriend and also my life ! ☺
I hope you'll like my page and I hope I'll make more friend here ! ♥ Love you dears ! ^_^
Welcome to Dolly's page ! ☻
Rainbows are made by colours but my friends make my life so colorful
Rainbows are made by colours but my friends make my life so colorful
Welcome to my page , my dear users
Welcome to my page , my dear users
Love you
Love you

Comments • 7

xMysteriousGirl 19 April 2011  
Hey you ,Dolly ^^. I'm Alexandra♥.
Nice to meet ya ' ! :)
xLittleDollyxD 19 April 2011  
Hello , Alexandra ! Nice to meet you too ! ♥
xLalaLmt 19 April 2011  
x Helaw!Do You Wanna Be Friends?
xLittleDollyxD 19 April 2011  
Hello ! Sure ! ☻
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